To build your custom host, we need some data. First you should install the latest version of Repetier-Host and configure it exactly like you want your custom host (printer, slicer and filament settings and selections, colors). You will later copy this with our export tool. The generated custom host will then get exactly these settings, so set it exactly as you want it to be delivered.
Part 1: Building the file
Then create a directory named
In this directory add the subdirectories Roaming
and Workdir
If you want to include Slic3r and/or Slic3r Prusa Edition, copy the <HOME>/AppData/Roaming/Slic3r
and/or <HOME>/AppData/Roaming/Slic3rPE
folders in Roaming
If you want to include CuraEngine, the files are stored in the host work directory (Press ALT + W in Repetier-Host to open in explorer). There you see a folder CuraEngine. It includes a directory per printer configuration with all the settings. Copy the CuraEngine directory to the Workdir
IMPORTANT: The user will see all slicer settings you have copied. Please make sure this do not contain unwanted content.
Now download and open the Repetier-Host Registry Exporter.

First select the data from registry to export. If this is the first time, you have to select Repetier. If you already have a custom host, you can select your host.
Then select the printers that you want to include. We will only embed the selected printers, so if you provide updates, make sure that you always select all printers.
If you mark Also copy selected language, the current language will be set as default. This makes only sense, if you want to force a special language for a local version.
Select the default printer, that will be activated after installation.
After that click Export Registry Settings and save this in your host
folder exactly as registry.xml
Now you can zip the complete host directory and call this
. We need this zip file.
Part 2: Required information to building build your custom host
Download sample report for required data.
Add Ask button to toolbar:
Link for Ask button:
The custom host can have a changed name that looks like: <prefix> Repetier-Host <postfix>. If you have booked the extra customization, your custom host name does not have to contain Repetier-Host, so that you can choose a host name as you want.
Your custom host name:
Some printers can be enabled over a atx signal. Therefore manual control has a power button. If your printer does not have it, we can remove that button.
Remove power button:
About listing
If you want to get listed in the about field of you custom host as distributor, please mail the wanted text like:
Line 1: Software distributed by
Line 2: [Company Name]
Line 3: [URL]
Line 4: [Mail]
Line 5: [Street]
Line 6: [City]
Line 7: [Country]
Line 8: …
You can get up to 14 lines.
Additional Links in Help Menu
In the help menu we can add up to 5 links with names.
Link 1 Name:
Link 1 URL:
Link 2 Name:
Link 2 URL:
Link 3 Name:
Link 3 URL:
Link 4 Name:
Link 4 URL:
Link 5 Name:
Link 5 URL:
Update Information
Your custom host will get own update messages and download pages. So you will need a webpage url, from where users can download your custom versions. You also need to host a simple text file that contains your current version informations.
Our version file is always available here:
If you open this in your browser, you see the first 3 lines of internal informations. All following lines are shown to the user, when to views the update message.
Line 1: Human readable version number of latest version
Line 2: Webpage to direct users to for downloads
Line 3: Build number of latest version
For each new version you get from us, you will need to update at least these three lines. We will provide the correct version string and build number with the update. You can copy the changes list from the above url or replace it at your discretion.
Download webpage:
Version information URL:
There are many parts in the host that we can remove in your custom host if this is not wanted or needed, but we can not remove everything. If you want parts to be removed send us a list and we check what we can do.
Part 2: Required images to building build your custom host
Splash Screen
At startup the host shows a splash screen. You can replace it with an image you provide. It should be around 500×400 pixel and can be in jpg or png format (splashscreen.png
or splashscreen.jpg
Support Button
We can add a “Ask xy” button in the main toolbar which is connected to a link you provide.
The icon for the toolbar must be a png in 32×32 px (ask.png
), 48×48 px (ask48.png
) and 64×64 px (ask64.png
). We need different resolutions for handling the different display densities. Ihe images can contain transparency.
3D Printer Visualization
If you like to add a visualization of your printer, you can design it with a 3d editor. Important points:
- You can have up to 3 stl files and assign each a different color. Store these files in a subdirectory of your work directory and copy this subdirectory to
, so it is included in
file. - Make shure that in your printer settings the files in your work directory are used and not from another place.
- You need to export it, so that it fits bed position. The imported files do not get translated after loading.
- Sometimes it is useful to view the model from below. You can either decide to hide the printer if viewed from bottom or design you printer that you can view the model from bottom.
Windows normally needs a driver setup before it detects your printer board. If you have a driver installer we can include and run it from the setup. Please provide us with the driver installer. If you need only a inf file we can register that as well, but only from vista upwards.
Extra Customization
If you have booked the extra customization with own desktop and program icons, we need:
- A logo in png format in 256×256 pixel for the about us window (
), the image may contain transparency. - A program icon as multi-icon ico file (
) in 16×16, 32×32. 48×48, 128×128 and 256×256 pixels. Alternatively you can send png-files that can contain transparency in these sizes and we make your multi icon file.
Banner ads
If you have booked the discounted banner ads, we need your target URL and the banners in 468×60 pixels and 728×90 pixels.
Part 4: We build your custom host
Please send configration data always to
Once we have all your data, we will create your custom host based on this and send you the installer. This version can be installed in parallel to an existing default host and will not interfere with it’s setting, so it acts as a really different software package. Please verify the installer and if you find something that is wrong, report it and we modify the installer.
IMPORTANT: The installer will never overwrite existing settings. So to test the installer you must prepare your computer for fresh installs. This means:
- Delete the Slic3r, Slic3rPE and/or CuraEngine directories if testing profile installation.
- Remove driver to test driver installation.
- Remove host registry. It is in
If you are satisfied, you can upload the installer to your webserver or start adding it to your cds or wherever you want. Please make sure that download und version url are set up, when you do so.