In this tutorial you will see how to convert the contours of text and images in Inkscape to G-Code to use it with Repetier-Firmware for CNC laser engraver.
Install the latest version of Inkscape. Then download our Repetier G-Code Plugin for Inkscape (up to version 0.91, as of version 0.92) and copy the content to inkscape\share\extensions
. After starting Inkscape, the plugin is installed.
You will find the plugin at Extensions Generate G-Code for Repetier Repetier Laser Tool….
Converting Text to G-Code
- Write your text with the text tool. The bottom left corner is the 0,0 location of your machine.
- Mark and position your text. If you have more objects (lines, circles, …) to embed in your G-Code, you have to mark them all. Only marked objects will be used to generate the G-Code.
- Click Path Object to Path or press Shift + Ctrl + C to convert the text into a path. The Plugin will use this path to generate the G-Code.

- Click Extensions Generate G-Code for Repetier Repetier Laser Tool… to start our plugin.
- Enter your settings. If you have more than one path, the laser will move down Path Depth (mm) between passes. Ath the end it will move up to the start height.
- Click Apply to generate the G-Code.
- After that the G-Code will be stored and the laser path will be outlined.